Get More with Menodoctor@Work
We are the only menopause training company who provide all of the following:
Kiwi Owned & Operated
We go beyond the generic tick-box offered by overseas training companies to offer a home-grown bespoke menopause training service.
Designed for Kiwis, based on Kiwi research.
All our talks, training and resources have been created by menopause doctor and advocate Dr Linda Dear. We offer you the genuine expertise to support your staff throughout this life-phase.
Complete Care
We offer the complete menopause care package for your business. From awareness days right through to individualised one-to-one clinical support.
Advocacy for All
We conducted the largest ever menopause survey in Aotearoa, petitioned Pharmac for better access to HRT and presented a Menopause submission to the NZ Government. Menodoctor is on a mission to improve menopause awareness and support for all.
Partner with us and be part of it.